Signifies Grupo Unión FENOSA, S.A., a Spanish energy and telecommunication utility company
Signifies the tariff for use of the airport. It is applied to national or international passengers for departure flights for use of airport installations. The TUA is charged to each departing passenger via the airlines.
Signifies the unit price for each of the airport’s facilities used by airlines and passengers. They principally consist of a fee for each departing passenger, aircraft landing fees based on the aircraft’s weight and arrival time, an aircraft parking fee, a fee for he transfer of passengers from the aircraft to the terminal building and a security charge for each departing passenger. The fees are established by the airport groups, registered with the SCT and published in the Diario Oficial de la Federación
refers to the maximum amount of revenue (in constant Pesos) per workload unit that an airport may earn annually from services subject to price regulation pursuant to the terms of the concessions of GAP and applicable Mexican law
signifies the Operating Shareholder and the Mexican Shareholder, shareholders of the Strategic Shareholder. The first one holding 33.32.789% and the second one holding 33.3.605% of the Strategic Shareholder’s capital, at the printing of this report
March 7th, 2025 - GAP announces Annual General Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders’ meeting 2025