GAP announced preliminary terminal passenger traffic figures for the month of March 2020, compared to traffic figures for March 2019.
GAP updates regarding its Annual General Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting
GAP announces that, as a result of current circumstances, as well as the expected disruptions domestically and internationally due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Company has taken the following course of action and measures, which have been approved by the Board of Directors (“the Board”)
GAP announced preliminary terminal passenger traffic figures for the month of February 2020, compared to traffic figures for February 2019.
GAP reported its consolidated results for the quarter ended December 31, 2019.
GAP announced today that it successfully completed the issuance of 30 million long-term bond certificates in Mexico (Certificados Bursátiles) at a nominal value of Ps. 100 each (one hundred pesos 00/100), for a total value of Ps. 3.0 billion.
GAP announced preliminary terminal passenger traffic figures for the month of January 2020, compared to traffic figures for January 2019.