Amy Bot


Comunicados generales


Signifies The Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources (Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales)

Secretaría or SCT

Signifies The Ministry of Communications and Transportation (Secretaría de Comunicaciones y Transportes)


 Signifies the Mexican Airport System (Sistema Aeroportuario Mexicano)


Signifies the Mexican Securities Commission (Registro Nacional de Valores) operated by CNBV


Signifies “General Rules Applicable to Share Acquisitions that Must be Public Information
  and Public Offerings” issued by the SHCP

  and the CNBV on April 18, 2002.


Signifies the Federal Office for the Protection of the Environment (Procuraduría Federal de Protección al Medio Ambiente)


Signifies Mexican Gross Domestic Product (Producto Interno Bruto de México)

PCGA in the United States

Signifies the United States Generally Accepted Accounting Principles – “The United States GAAP” (Principios de contabilidad generalmente aceptados en México)

Domestic Passengers

Signifies the sum of all passengers arriving from or going to terminals inside Mexico.